School Safe
Learn Life skills at Absafe
Educational Offers
It’s our mission to ensure we’re at the heart of building happy and safe communities. We do this by making our education engaging and interactive.
School Safe is our core business and is delivered from our interactive facility (Absafe Community Hub). From here the Absafe team deliver sessions that teach about everyday hazards, and how to deal with them.
We take our visitors on an unforgettable adventure. Giving real-life context to the learning experience using our interactive “sets” to teach:
- Road Safety
- Home Safety
- Fire Safety
- Alcohol Awareness & Pro-Social Behaviour
- Railway Safety
- Water Safety
- Mental Wellbeing
- Cyber Security

Our Sets
Our sets are designed to mimic real-life situations and locations. For example, we have a set that is designed like a park, another like a beach. We have a railway, a kitchen, a living room etc. Meaning those who take part in our sessions can learn to navigate the risky world in safe, but, life-like environments.
Training for emergency situations in environments that mimic the real world, gives them a much higher chance of quickly reacting to the hazard. Managing the risk appropriately, and inevitably avoiding harm and fatality.
From Children to Adults
We offer a bespoke and unique experience that cannot be replicated in the classroom or training room. Our sessions can be adapted to suit different ages, abilities and needs. From young children to older adults.

How Do We Know it Works?
When our visitors come to A.C.H., they take part in two interactive quizzes, one at the start and one at the end. We also carry out several feedback activities. We do this to measure knowledge and to ensure we have the correct delivery for our users.
The quiz results show the effectiveness of the education making an impactful and lasting difference.
- Average improvement in knowledge of 73% across the topics.
- 93% of people also report they have learnt something to save their lives.
- 95% say they have learnt something to save someone else's life.
- 98% believe the guides (Absafe staff and volunteers) are knowledgeable.
We know stats are only part of the picture!
We also get qualitative feedback from our visitors.
We ask them:
- What they liked?
- What they learnt?
- What we can improve?
This allows us to hear directly from the users of our services rather than trying to guess what they need and want. It allows us to be responsive to their needs and make adjustments regularly.
Ensuring that what we are delivering remains relevant.
We always need enthusiastic people to join our team of volunteer educators to lead the youth into a safe future! Sounds like you? Click below to find out more about the role and how to get involved.